BioSci Kicks Out Org Tambayan

Written by Michelle Mateo (Polygenes)
Published in Print March 2008 Issue

Organizations under the Institute of Biological Sciences (IBS) had been existing for years, most are even more than 20 years old, and can be distinguished by the place they occupy or 'tambayan'. Tambayans in IBS are tables made of wood but to the organizations, these tables are more than that. Tambayan is "home", providing a sense of belongingness and security until they are asked to move these tables out of IBS.

Last January 7, an emergency meeting of organization heads with the IBS was called for by the Director's office (DO). In this meeting, the organizations were informed of the memo issued by the Bureau of Fire protection stating that the tambayans are fire hazards, blocking exits of the building. The orgs were given until January 15 to relocate. Another meeting followed a few days later to discuss possible relocation sites.

Due to unavailability of possible area, the deadline was moved to Jan. 30. On Jan. 28, org representatives together with their advisers and the administration went to SU for an ocular visit, it being a possible relocation site Relocation period was extended until Feb. 15. On Feb 18, org representatives, advisers, and the student council gathered together to discuss the issue. A decision was not reached at that meeting since the org representatives have yet to talk to the other members of their respective organizations. At this point, orgs have to choose between complying and resisting the issued memorandum and that all orgs would act as one, to follow the decision of the majority.

Due to non-compliance of the orgs to the set deadline, IBS staffs were the ones who transferred the tambayans to SU on Feb. 25. On Feb 26 a rally against tambayan eviction was held in front of the Humanities Bldg. This was followed by another mass-up on Feb 28 wherein the tambayans were carried in front of the Humanities Bldg. Despite these displays of opposition, the administration stand firm in keeping the tables out of the building. SU is far from IBS where most of the classes of the members of IBS orgs are held that some choose to use “banig” instead to keep their "place" and so that they will not compete with other people in occupying the benches.